Now, as you continue your ride through this ministry's web site, we ask that you would pull over for a moment to consider this: With everything that is going on in the world today, it is becoming more and more evident, that we are living in the 'last days' - the days before the promised return of our King; the day when He comes back to 'rapture' or take us (the Church, His bride) up, to be with Him in Heaven. Man, what a day THAT'S going to be.

Anyway, because there is obviously not much time left before that happens, our enemy (Satan), is working overtime, doing all he can do to discredit and destroy as many and as much as he can. Therefore as stewards of this ministry, we are compelled to stay vigilant (without becoming legalistic), making sure that everything is (and remains), absolutely screwed on straight.

And so, with that in mind, and in order to help set your mind at ease that nothing has been cross-threaded, we would like to take this moment, and share with you where we theologically stand. Below are the basic tenets that this ministry follows, as found in God's own Word - the Bible:

What Does Iron Horse

Ministries Believe?

The members of Iron Horse Ministries believe in one God, who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things (none least of which, is this ministry); that our God is infinitely perfect and that He eternally co-exists in three persons - Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus is not only the Son of God, but God incarnate; who, born of a virgin, came to live among men; that He suffered and was crucified on a cross, taking the penalty of our sins onto Himself; that on the third day, He rose from the dead, taking back the power of death and Hell; He ascended into Heaven alive and in bodily form, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father; and that He will return just as He promised. We also believe that God sent His Holy Spirit to (among other things), inspire the creation of the Holy Bible; and as such, we believe it to be the inerrant and infallible Word of God. It is useful to teach us what is true, correct us when we are wrong and equip us to do what is right. Therefore, the Bible is our absolute and final authority.

In addition, we believe that by praying a simple and sincere prayer of repentance (asking Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to come into our heart to be our Lord and Savior), we will be born again, and our soul will be saved forever from the eternal torments of Hell. We also know that it's by God's gift of grace alone that we are saved, not by our own works or deeds. Otherwise we would boast and brag about how we saved ourselves - when in fact, we are totally incapable of doing so (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Simply put: The only way for any of us to have peace with God; to finally have fulfillment in our lives; and to get into God's perfect Heaven; is to not only ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins; and of course, to rescue us from the penalty of those sins (which is total separation from God forever, and endless torment in Hell); but to also ask Him to be in total control of our life from the inside out (so that we can become just what He created us to be). It's just that simple - really. All we have to do is ask and really mean it - and it's done.

With that, the old life is gone, and a new life will begin through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). In other words, it's as though we've been given a fresh new start - like - being 'born again'. And that's exactly what a true Christian is. But that's not all there is - check this out...

The Gospel

Most of us have heard of the word "Gospel", which means "Good News". But how many of us actually know or understand the full extent of what that "good news" really is?

Well, in an effort to give everyone a glimpse of the extent of this good news, we would like to present this extremely moving video. It explains the whole gospel in a unique and powerful way, using everyday terms that we can all understand. So if you would, please check it out. It could change your whole outlook on life.

So there you are, and there you have it. What you have just read through and seen in this section of the website, are the basic biblical doctrines that are the foundation of our faith, and of this ministry.

If you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to contact us, and we'll do our best to quickly and thoroughly answer them for you.

Integrity And Accountability

Now before you roll on much farther, there is something else that is as equally important to know about Iron Horse Ministries, as its theology. And that is, we strongly believe that integrity and accountability are paramount - in both daily life, and in ministry. God has made it very clear to us (especially because of the behind-the-scenes nature of this particular ministry), that there MUST be a consistently open and forthright accountability. Without it, we will NOT be able to maintain the expected level of integrity - for very long.

Therefore, it is the desire of Iron Horse Ministries (through God's mercy and grace, and without the entanglement of legalism), to maintain the highest level of integrity at all times, in all situations whether we are wearing a patch or not.

So, just to make sure we're all on the same page, here are the definitions of both accountability and integrity:

  • Webster defines ACCOUNTABILITY as: "The state of being accountable; responsible. Liable to be called to account; answerable." Every person is accountable to God for their own conduct, through their thoughts, words, and deeds.

Naturally, we as humans would rather do our own thing, in our own way, in our own time and for our own reasons. It is not our nature to want to be held accountable, but we must - especially in ministry. Without it, we'll eventually crash and burn - not good.

  • Webster defines INTEGRITY as: "The quality of being honest, and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness." Doing what is right, even when no one is looking.

At times, we ALL can find it difficult to develop and/or maintain integrity. So, in an effort to help, we would like to offer a little something to think about. We hope you'll find it as useful as we do.

Something To Think About

Despite our best efforts to pursue purity, righteousness, faithfulness and integrity in the midst of the daily assaults of life, it's easy to become distracted and drift over the center line. So to that, this section is offered as a tool for all of us to think about and to use as a point of reference, for all the roads in our lives - both public and private. It is our hope that the following might help each of us, to ride well, and stay in the lane that God has for us:

Genuine Accountability

Right Relationships

A Servants Heart

Constant Safeguards

Embracing God Intimately
  • Webster defines GRACE as: "The undeserved favor of God."

This means in part, that trying to successfully apply the above acrostic all on our own, simply won't work. So, to God be the glory.

What Are The Core Values Of

Integrity And Accountability?

To begin with, for some, integrity might seem like a rather vague concept. If that's a struggle, then no worries. Maybe all that's needed, is just a more applicable definition. To that end, one of the best ways to understand the concept, is to look at the basic core values associated with integrity, in terms of daily living - such as:

  • Demonstrating reliability and trustworthiness.

  • Valuing honesty and openness.

  • Expressing gratitude to/for others.

  • Respecting yourself and others around you, no matter where you are.

  • Showing patience and flexibility, even when unexpected things happen.

  • Doing what is right, even when no one is looking.

  • Helping those in need, even to the point of sacrificing your own needs - all without drawing attention to yourself.

  • Taking responsibility, and thus being held accountable for your actions - both good and bad.

Hope that helped a little bit. Sometimes looking at something from the other side of the road, can give us a new and fresh prospective. Just sayin.

Any way, as mentioned before, integrity and accountability are paramount in this ministry. However, because of our sinful nature, we know that without accountability, integrity will wane. So to help make sure that doesn't happen, we try our best to exercise open/personal accountability - which always starts with prayer at the beginning of the day - not at the end of it.

In other words, for us, open/personal accountability is a way of life. Which means (again, by way of God's grace and mercy), we take responsibility for our own words and deeds. We are willing to be held accountable, learning from our mistakes, and quickly recovering from them. For as it turns out, open/personal accountability through Christ, is key to a successful life - not to mention, a successful ministry.

Now, having said all that, it is our hope that in some small way, you now have a better understanding of how important integrity and accountability are to the members of Iron Horse Ministries.

So with that, let's roll out!

If there is something that you're struggling with (everybody struggles with something in this world), and you need someone to talk to, then by all means, contact us and we'll talk - confidentially, of course.